It is with great rejoicing that I report, the Hope for Haiti Auction made $11,000.00 DOLLARS! I still cannot believe it, but God keeps telling me I must ask BOLDLY...and so I did, and like our God, He DELIVERS! If you remember, Leon,our Haitian missionary, sat in my living room(Sept) and said it was food and sponsorships his country needed, he told us it was $5000.00 to get a container shipment of food to Haiti. The food was "Free" but shipment cost $5000. So I thought "I think we could raise that kind of money", we had enough time. Of course there were many times it was a figure that was daunting, especially as person after person told me "these are tough economic times", or "we aren't giving anymore this calendar year"...but like any good soldier, I pressed on. About 2-3 months into the trenches, Craig D. reports to me, "You know it's really $9000.00 to send a container of food, "you have to pay $4000.00 to customs"...short of wanting to slug the messenger, I kept that news to myself until late in the game. I was quickly discouraged, but had made a promise to both God and Leon, that we would at least try in Faith to do what we said we'd do. After all, Leon came here for a purpose, not just hospitality. Haiti does not get good press, we are His good news. So onward we went. Slow and steady, walking the streets of Carytown, Ashland, Hanover & Shortpump and Glen Allen. This is where I remind you, my sister Kelly, walked hand in hand with me, clear "I'm NOT asking"...but by my side..every step of the way. She I must add, printed everything you saw in black ink, everything, anything wrapped in shrink wrap, anything that had a pink heart on it...anything that needed a label...she was the girl!
After all was said and done...we had over 155 donations, baskets from neighbors, baskets from friends, baskets from family, baskets from strangers, folks were even threatened for baskets. We had beautiful artwork, amazing photography, little children's chairs that created a HUGE stir...It was an amazing sight! I couldn't believe my eyes! We had 17 men, offer their services for free, their gifts that were given to them by God, offered up for FREE!...and they went. My mother told me before she came..."I'm going to get me a man!"...and about $1200 dollars later...she had achieved that goal! She had purchased Jesse A.! The live auction was hysterical, Mark Ireland & Rich & Paul...stole the show! It was such a beautiful sight!
Last but not least, and for me the highlight of the night, was when Leslie Maurice spoke, NHPC member from Haiti. You cannot believe the impact a testimony can have until you hear one that states at 2& 3 years old he's making rice, and by 9 he's lost his mother, by 16 his twin brother has been killed....Yet he stands boldly before us saying "I'm honored you ask me to come!" "I told my mother you were doing this for my country, we just cannot believe it." Christ is glorified. We have a lot to learn from Leslie Maurice(who is out of work, and stayed the entire night so he could help clean up).
So you see, the night was beautiful, I had a really good time, I was unbelievably peaceful, I've never felt that kind of presence before, not "in the heat" of a big event for me, this time it was different, this time I trusted God for it, he told me time and time again, trust in me..not in "people".
And so I did. And God Blessed the evening, in so many ways. FYI, there were 17 churches represented in that auction, from beginning to end, 17 churches, one body, we are His hands and feet. Together we could get so much more done!
I tell my pals, this is the last quarter of the game for most of us,(4th quarter we may be wearing depends) if we are going to make a difference "Now is the Time!" You have not heard the last of me..sorry for that...know that Free Market is still going strong and I have great visions with God's guidance...we mustn't rest...we need to spread the Good News, there is no greater commandment...'You must love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself' Matthew 22:37 37-39. I hope you find yourself in a small group, NHPC & Northminster are doing 40 Days of Love, For me, I think it's the BEST so far! 'Let Love be your highest goal'! 1Cort 14:1.
WE MUST LOVE PEOPLE! Even those we don't want to love...........oooooooooooooh!
I love you all...I am so grateful for your unending support on everything I throw at you, to Wayne McMichaels(Auctioneer), on Thursday I called him, 2/12 at 8pm....HE SAID YES! That my friends is GOD! He walked out silently, without a goodbye and without needing a simple thank you. See you at the next event...Loving people, spending time, not cash! TIME. I forgot to say, God taught me to Aim High, don't believe in Him for Little.
In Faith I give thanks to God,
Love Cassie Matthew