Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Busy Bee in the Night

I can't mind is racing and I feel like I can't I got up to write. What am I thinking about...Freemarket, being over weight, discipline for the children, balancing my time, the job I've been offered...should I really take it? Paul and his job possibility...will he get hurt? I hope not..what God is doing in my life...trying to do....all the right things that a word?
This is my mind...Then I think.."you're going to be so tired...and you have a big day." You must joints ache..I sound CRAZY...I haven't been by to see the twins, they need a meal, I want to take my boys to the beach...I want to just sit with them and do nothing...but love them. God is helping me to see what is important, there will always be needs..always be needs, stay the course, do not lose sight of your children and your marriage....OK Whew!


  1. God is that watchtower in the night, you know. I'm pretty sure He wakes us up on purpose sometimes. You do have many things, but laid at His feet, He will order your steps--that's His job!

    There is such a state as too much of too many good things! Ask Him to help you keep the priorities straight, and for the peace to know that He is the one keeping the "balls" up in the air--not you!

    If it's an option, I'd go to the beach. Come home refreshed!

  2. Sue,
    You are my Barnabas. I'm grateful for your friendship.
    Things are lining up.
    Faithfully His,

  3. Simply trust - don't plan, just walk. You are right, you could never do all of it by yourself. The big relief is that you aren't alone - God is leading your way. GayDonna
