Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tutoring our way in!

Well, we are onto phase two of what God is calling us to do... "teach my people." No matter what we do, we find our way into their hearts, they find their ways into ours. It's always mutual, never one way. We started tutoring for those who were interested in learning more, we were amazed to see how many adults, some in their 60's unable to read and barely write, want to earn their GED, it is so gratifying to see a room full of folks who come an hour early just to sit with a tutor to have one hour of undivided time. The students range from 4-64, our tutors range from 7-84, everyone has so much to offer. It is one of the most beautiful sights to see. My friend Barbara(80) gives her student a wrath of her disappointment for not doing his homework, whew...I was glad she wasn't my teacher. It is all good though, structure and accountability is something we all need. Mavaghn is in foster care and is brought by his grandmother who is studying for her GED, she can't even read to her grand-daughter, she struggles. We wonder why poverty is so rampant, there are so many layers to it. God just keeps revealing one layer after another, where there is work still to be done.
What do I see? I see children and adults so grateful for one individual to give them so much of their loving time. Tutors who come out on a Wednesday night to love someone just because...because we are called to do so. I am thrilled to be a part of such a body, it's an exciting time in my life, to see God working right before my eyes. One student(adult) asks how long we will tutor? As long as God keeps sending the people...all the people.
Thanks be to God for equipping us all, for opening our hearts, and for students who have made themselves vulnerable to Gods healing.